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Student Wellbeing

‘We are excited to watch our students strengthen their social skills by becoming more resilient, empowered, and empathetic members of the Banyule Community.’ – Jayden Stapleton (Well-Being Co-ordinator).

Banyule is committed to creating a safe and caring environment for your child. We want to ensure that our students are set up for success and that our school culture is one that is rooted in respect and kindness. Within Banyule, we are a range of Wellbeing programs that are taught from prep to grade 6 that all aim to build resilience, confidence and empowerment in our students and to learn skills that will allow them to thrive in their lives.


Friendology 101 - URSTRONG

School wide we have successfully implemented an internationally recognised program school-wide, Friendology 101 Junior and Friendology 101 by URSTRONG. This wellbeing program empowers children with the skills, language, and self-confidence to be better friends and develop healthier friendships.  Through a series of sessions, students learn language to better express their feelings, stand up for themselves, and put out Friendship Fires® (URSTRONG’s term for conflict). A key element of Friendology 101 is teaching students the difference between normal conflict and Mean-on-Purpose behaviour.


Friendology 101 helps students, parents and teachers establish a common language so that they can co-identify social issues and learn to better communicate solutions. This program’s focus is on teaching the skills to develop healthy relationships, starting at a young age, is the preventative approach and, ultimately, the solution to Mean on-Purpose behaviour.  


Peaceful Kids

Another program Banyule has successfully adopted is ‘Peaceful Kids.’ This program is a Mindfulness and Positive Psychology based program to lessen anxiety and stress and increase resilience in children from prep to grade 6. This program helps children to build their emotional resilience so they are better equipped to deal with the day to day stresses that life brings them.


Aim of the Peaceful Kids Program

- To minimise the symptoms of anxiety and stress
- To build emotional resilience 
- To empower children to self-manage their anxiety
- To teach children Mindfulness exercises they can use for life
- To build a reservoir of strength to enable children to cope with life more effectively
- To minimise anxiety symptoms occurring in the future
- For children to use a range of effective coping strategies
- Teaches children how to self-calm
- To develop emotional intelligence skills
- Teaches children life long skills to manage stress and prevent stress build up
- Supports children so they know they are not alone with suffering from anxiety

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